Lokahi Outrigger Canoe Center


Ali’i: Chief – also chiefess, ruler, monarch and royalty (#81)

Ikaika: Strong – also powerful, sturdy, strength, might and force (#82)

*Lanakila: Victory – also victorious, triumph, win, overcome and prevail (#83)

*Kilakila: Majestic – also tall, strong, imposing and handsome (#84)

*Lokahi: Unity – also unison, harmony, agreement and coming together as one (#85)

*Ke Ala Pono: Path of Righteousness (#186)

Mana Pewili: Spirit of Beverly (#108)

Mana Kapalakiko: Spirit of San Francisco (#58)

Makana: The Gift (#86)

*Lanakila was named by the mother of Sam Medeiros, Founder of Lokahi OCC

*Kilakila was named by Sam Medeiros, Founder of Lokahi OCC

*Lokahi was named by Sam Medeiros, Founder of Lokahi OCC

*Ke Ala Pono was named by Kumu Shawna Ngum Alapa’i